Keeping Your Man – By Stella Damasus
Hello ladies,
Been a while since you read from me and I am sorry about that. However I never said I would be the only one writing for this blog. I threw it open to members to send in their articles, concerns, challenges, questions and other things to the Adiva email address and we will publish it.
Not only that, we will get the experts/professionals to help answer some of your questions, I am still waiting to hear from you all.
Anyway I have good news and that is the fact that you will be able to watch me talk more/elaborate on things I will write in the blog. Yes o my YouTube channel will be very very active soon with my new project called Stella’s diaries.
You all need to look out for it because it will be very exciting as usual. I will say it the way I see it and I am sure by now most of you know I am not ashamed or afraid to speak my mind.
Anyway let me go to the topic I want to discuss today “keeping your man”.This is for the married women o please this is not targeted at single girls.
(more after the cut)