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Tuesday, 8 May 2012
90 texting codes (so you wont get left behind)
Hey if you are feeling lost out with some terms you dont understand while chatting. To help you in your quest to decode your kids’ space-constrained text babble, we’ve compiled a list of popular terms and abbreviations. Don’t be surprised if you see variations when it comes to capitalization or style; it’s common for some kids to prefer all caps to lowercase or even changing capitalization, whether at the beginning or middle of a message.
These 92 terms are among the most popular, but know that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
143 I love you (popularized by no less awesome a source than Mister Rogers himself)
2DAY Today
4EAE For ever and ever
ADN Any day now
AFAIK As far as I know
AFK Away from keyboard
ATM At the moment
B/C Because
B4 Before
BF / GF Boyfriend / Girlfriend
BFN Bye for now
BOL Be on later
BRB Be right back
BTW By the way
DM Direct message
DWBH Don’t worry, be happy
F2F or FTF Face to face
FB Facebook
FF Follow Friday (Follow Friday is a recurring topic on Twitter. Each week, users post lists of people that they think others should followusing the #FF or #FollowFriday hashtag.)
FTL For the loss / For the lose
FTW For the win
FWB Friends with benefits
FWIW For what it’s worth
FYEO For your eyes only
FYI For your information
GLHF Good luck, have fun
GR8 Great
HAK Hugs and kisses
HAND Have a nice day
HT or H/T Hat tip or heard through (usually referencing news or an informative link)
HTH Hope this helps / Happy to help
IANAL I am not a lawyer
IDK I don’t know
IIRC If I remember correctly
IKR I know, right?
ILY / ILU I love you
IMHO In my honest opinion / In my humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
IRL In real life
IU2U It’s up to you
IYKWIM If you know what I mean
J/K Just kidding
J4F Just for fun
JIC Just in case
JSYK Just so you know
K or KK Okay
LMBO Laughing my butt off
LMK Let me know
LOL Laughing out loud
MM Music Monday. Another recurring Twitter topic. In this case, users post a song or two that will get your week off to a better start.
MSM Mainstream media
NAGI Not a good idea
NM Never mind
NMU Not much, you?
NP No problem or Now playing (as in “My MP3 stream is now playing LMFAO’s Party Rock.)
NSFW Not safe for work. If this is attached to a link, you’re strongly advised not to check it out while in the workplace or any other venue where inappropriate content would be, well, inappropriate.
NSFL Not safe for life. Usually a humorous disclaimer that something formerly innocent is going to be irreparably sullied if you click the link.
NTS Note to self
OH Overheard
OMG Oh my God
ORLY Oh, really?
PAW Parents are watching
PLS or PLZ Please
PPL People
PTB Please text back
QQ Crying. Rather than an abbreviation, this is an emoticon, a picture created in text. The tails of the capital Q form tears, while the circles are the eyes. Saying “QQ” aloud also can mimic the “boo hoo” of someone who’s upset. Usually used sarcastically or contemptuously.
RAK Random act of kindness
RL Real life
ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing
RT Retweet. Similar to forwarding an email, Twitter lets you echo other people’s tweets for your own followers to read. In some cases, folks will ask for something they’ve said to be amplified by saying “Please RT” or “PLS RT.”
RUOK Are you okay? In Australia, #RUOK is a regularly trending topic, following a government initiative called RUOK Day, which raises awareness of mental health issues on social networking sites.
SMH Shaking my head
SRSLY Seriously
SSDD Same stuff, different day
SWAK Sealed with a kiss
SWYP So, what’s your problem?
TIA Thanks in advance
TIME Tears in my eyes
TMB Tweet me back
TMI Too much information
TMRW Tomorrow
TTYL Talk to you later
TY or TU Thank you
VSF Very sad face
WB Welcome back
WTH What the heck?
WTPA Where the party at?
WYCM Will you call me?
YGM You’ve got mail (to alert your texting partner that you’ve contacted them via that staid old email thing. That’s sooo 2001!)
YMMV Your mileage may vary
YW You’re welcome
ZOMG Oh my god (sarcastic)
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